Razi: Using reason is essential

Painting of a scholar in a yellow robe sitting on a carpeted floor poring over a large Quran on a stand, looking very focused
Painting by Ottoman artist Osman Hamdi Bey (d. 1910)

Many Muslim scholars felt human reasoning was a basic part of religion.

In the Qur’an there is praise for:

(those) who listen to what is said and follow what is best. These are the ones God has guided; these are the people of understanding. (Quran 39:28, Abdel Haleem translation)

Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (d. 1209) reflects this verse:

Contemplation and reasoning are essential. God Almighty has shown that when a person listens to many things and then chooses what is most beautiful and fitting (using their intellect), they find guidance and success.

In Arabic:

وجوب النظر والاستدلال، وذلك لأنه تعالى بين أن الهداية والفلاح مرتبطان بما إذا سمع الإنسان أشياء كثيرة، فإنه يختار منها ما هو الأحسن الأصوب

Arabic vocabulary

  • wujub (وجوب) – necessity
  • nazar (نظر) – rational investigation
  • istidlal (استدلال) – reasoning, building an argument using proofs
  • hidaya (هداية) – guidance
  • falah (فلاح) – success
  • sami'a (سمع) – hear, listen
  • insan (إنسان) – human being
  • kathir (كثير) – many, a lot
  • yakhtar (يختار) – choose, select
  • ahsan (أحسن) – best, better
  • aswab (أصوب) – most appropriate, fitting, correct


  • This quote is from al-Razi’s famous commentary on the Qur’an, known as Keys to the Unseen (Mafatih al-ghayb), aka The Great Tafsir (al-Tafsir al-Kabir)
  • The translation of al-Razi’s quote is my own.