Ali: Who has time to dwell on others’ faults?

Three dervishes in robes stand in a beautiful hillside garden, all looking downward, absorbed in contemplation.
(Met 17.81.4)

How do people find the time to criticize others over every small mistake?

‘Ali ibn Abi Talib seems to have a theory:

The person who sees their own shortcomings has no time to dwell on other people’s faults.

In Arabic:

من أبصر عيب نفسه شغل عن عيب غيره

Arabic vocabulary

  • man (من) – whoever, anyone
  • absara (أبصر) – notices
  • ‘ayb (عيب) – defect
  • nafs (نفس) – self
  • shaghala (شغل) – be busy, stay occupied
  • ‘an (عن) – from (as in "kept away from something")
  • ghayr (غير) – other, someone else


  • This quote is from a famous collection of material attributed to ‘Ali: Dustur ma‘alim al-hikam by al-Qadi al-Quda’i (d. 1062).